
Refund and Returns Policy
Electronic subscriptions, database access and other electronic products are not subject to refund or return. Subscriptions can be cancelled with details under our Cancellation Policy.

Cancellation Policy
Subscriptions – Hardcopy and E-paper
Should you wish to cancel your subscription, we will refund the balance of the outstanding number of issues (i.e. If your subscription entitled you to 4 editions and you have received 3, we will calculate your refund as 25 per cent of your payment) or the proportion of the time left on your subscription (i.e. with a 12 month subscription, if you cancel after 8 months, we will calculate your refund as 33.3 per cent of your payment) less an AUD$50 administration fee and less any transaction charges that will be incurred as part of the refund. We will provide you with a breakdown of your refund.

Subscriptions – iPad